Good Habits

It is correctly said that Habit is to be the second nature of man. The nature of man is a bundle of habits. If a man forms good habits, he builds up good nature. If he develops bad habits, nature becomes bad. So we should try to form a good habit, and we must do it from childhood .so we can say that habits are the actions that we have to practice every day, so it becomes a part of our life. The habits once formed are difficult to give up afterwards.

Our life today is essentially the total of our habits; what we repeatedly do each day becomes our Habits. We think and believe it ultimately comes into our personality, and good habits do a man great good. It makes him healthy and wealthy wise. Some good habits are early rising, personal cleanliness, abstinence from wine, and telling the truth. Early rising is much beneficial to a man. A man who rises early finds time to take some exercise in the fresh morning air. This physical exercise makes him healthy. Moreover, early rising gives a good start to one’s work, and the early riser can finish a large amount of his work before others get out of bed .he; need not hurry over any part of his work, so the result is that all his work is thoroughly done in time and he prospers.

Washing Hands For Daily Personal Care

the Habit of keeping clean is a good habit; that is why it is rightly said cleanliness is next only to godliness. Cleanliness is to our body, and godliness is to our soul and mind. For purity of mind, we should have noble and good thoughts; similarly, for our good health, we must observe cleanliness. It keeps a man free from diseases and contributes to his health. Moreover, an unclean person or thing is very unpleasant and a nuisance. We should bathe daily and put on fresh well-washed clothes. Practice brushing your teeth twice a day and eat healthy food. We should keep our books neat and clean and our house spick and span. Food should be fresh, covered, and free from the approach of flies. We should be careful of our nearby areas to clean, and no garbage is thrown here and there because it causes several obnoxious diseases.

Many good habits can develop good manners in us .however here I have discussed the habits that give you a high priority and also brings respect to others .every one expects to mix with a decent society, not to them who are not neat and clean. Including these good habits, one must practice other good habits like telling the truth, making one trustworthy, and abstaining from wine to preserve one’s health and wealth. Moreover, we must practice not littering in public areas, honesty and punctuality, and sharing things with our friends and our near and dear ones so that others do not feel left out.

Respecting others is one of the most important qualities. If we respect others, others respect us because what we give others, we get back from others. Along with personal cleanliness, we should have to keep in mind keeping our environment clean. The most important Habit is learning about saving. We must have developed the Habit of saving early in childhood, so we are not supposed to waste our parents’ hard-earned money on unwanted things like toys or dresses. That’s why it is correctly said that Good Habits are man’s valuable possession.

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