Guideline followed by Ones while narrating a story

Storytelling is an art by giving a child very impactful knowledge. Through storytelling, a child can develop much intelligence in a very interesting and easy way, and they can differentiate between different emotions like joy, happiness, and anger and stimulate imagination, curiosity, and enhance observation, critical, logical thinking, concentration and focus on the subject. Storytelling works best when one uses aids such as puppets, storyboards, pictures, or toys to make the story more prominent so the children can visualize and connect to the plot. Using the aids, facial expressions, gestures, and voice modulation will surprise and amuse children. However, the most important part is that one should go through his heart and soul while carrying a story and enjoy it first.

The child’s age group should be taken into concentration because one should have to choose the right topic for the right age group .small children like to listen to the known character which is familiar to them. Secondly, parents have to keep in mind the length of the story .small children like short and simple stories with animal characters but young children love to enjoy the longer story. While telling a longer story, one should break the story into suitable parts and revise the former before continuing the story the next day so they can connect easily with the plot. Finally, vocabulary should be suitable for the children so they can understand.

The year from 2.5 to 3.5 is crucial because it is a developing age for a child. All the development occurs simultaneously like physical, motor, cognitive, intellectual, and very important social-emotional and language. All this development are interlinked with each other. The development of a child happens naturally, and this stage is known as the clay molding stage because, at this time, a child can prepare for his future by gathering experience. Only an adult can provide the best environment to make the child into their desired shape. He has a special type of sensibility, which helps to observe everything from the outer world, and he keeps it in his mind and then changes into his conscious mind, and according to this child, he makes his personality. So one should follow this guideline of storytelling; their child can learn to express their story in their way and develop their intrapersonal skill by gathering knowledge according to their intelligence level.

Along with storytelling if parents add drawings in their child routine it will work magic on them because drawing, art and craft are the tool for nurturing artistic capabilities and creating cultural awareness among them. coloring pictures with crayons can improve their fine motor development, fine motor are the small muscles that help children to hold a pencil well and improve their written capabilities further. There are a lot of activities which help the child to improve their imagination and thinking power so they can make a better decision, as well as enhance observation power, hand-eye coordination and increase problem-solving skill effectively. These activities include thumb printing, vegetable printing, fork printing, blow painting. These art and craft help children to develop creative expression, gross and fine motor muscle movement, help them to learn to identifying colors and enhance concentration power. Apart from this, there are so many activities for these little people are– magic painting, sponge painting, hand printing, foot-printing, tear, and pasting, spray-painting by using a toothbrush, box puppet, or origami these all inculcating the love for nature, express their feeling and also improve their problem-solving skill to become a good human being for future.

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