Talking about children tiffin is the most concern topic for the parents. Most parents are worried about their kids not having the whole meal . Where So far, I have seen that parents are getting apprehensive about their kids not eating the food, and they come to school, and they talk about this outside of the school gate and changing their views and ideas and getting some relief that not only their child is eating, but all children do. Tiffin is an essential meal to bridge the gap between breakfast and lunch. These homemade foods are fruit custard, pancake, idli, dosa, stuffed vegetable paratha, vegetable sandwich,poha, Upma, and fruits.

Healthy lunches and snacks are important for active children. Healthy food helps children to concentrate, and they pay attention to their learning. A child who takes wholesome, nutritionally balanced food that keeps them healthy falls sick less and improves attendance. A child spends six to seven hours in school. Thus, they need energy and stamina to stay active the whole day. So this the responsibility of parents to provide their child healthy, tasty food enriched with nutrition.

Here are some tips for the parents; they can use it, and hopefully, it will work.

1)choose healthy food for them. As a mother, we always give our best to them, but the little people have their test buds; they do not like what we want. So make sure what veggies and fruits he is interested in, and give them accordingly.

2)don’t give them processed food or yesterday leftover or refrigerated food; give them fresh as much as possible. Prepare food with love and care,e, so the good vibration comes in the food, and they enjoy it well because our mother knows how to reach veggies into their stomach without understanding what they have eaten.

3)prepare a meal that is handy to eat – small kids eat food that is small in pieces or small In portions. They can not compromise their recess time. They want to finish their tiffin to play with their friends because they get a short recess or break. If food is handy or in small portions, they will complete it happily on time.

4)food must be nutritionally dense and full of protein – nutritionally dense food can enable them to complete their nutritional requirement even in small quantity-like paneer(cottage cheese)that is full of protein, carbohydrates from wheat flour make it complete tiffin. The addition of Iron riched food will keep your child alert and active. Calcium increases muscle strength and enhances bone development and growth; omega-three and fatty acids also enable better concentration and intellectual power. Food like dried fruit, til, flaxseed, walnut, almond, dried dates, broccoli, and legumes give proper nutrition.

5)attractive presentation of a meal helps to develop an appetite. If food is decorated with their friendly cartoon character or simply smiley, small kids become excited and finish it in no time. Try to decorate whatever food you give according to it. Healthy and adequate meals help meet the child’s nutritional needs, and children eat better in the company of their classmates, so it’s a good way to introduce variety to their meals.

6)change the menu for your kids- the same tiffin given to a child may lead to monotonous. Instead, make a list of your kid’s favorite food that they love, and prepare it accordingly. For example, give one fruit with a tiffin and never cut or peel it. Instead, give it as it is because the fruit becomes acidic or may spoil easily.

6)avoid packing food that spoils easily like curd, milk or buttermilk, or juice because these food have a short period and children spill such food and mess their food area or uniform.

food to put in the lunch box

ever the food you are picking depends on the taste of your kids.

  • fresh fruit, dry fruit
  • paneer roll, pav bhaji,
  • stuffed paratha
  • idli, mayonnaise veggie pasta,
  • fried rice,daliya, Indian pancake (made up of wheat flour and veggie )
  • upma,poha dosa
  • aloo paratha, paneer sandwich,pulav, etc

disclaimer-I am not a dietitian or nutritionist, and I cook myself for my kids.

Food safety that one should keep in mind while packing lunch.

Food should be packed in a stainless steel tiffin box, and it must be of good quality. Do not use plastic tiffin boxes, and these are toxic. It must be dishwasher-safe and BPA-free. Clean the tiffin box and their water bottle because small kids drink water with their sipper bottle, then food particles get inside the bottle, which may cause germs inside. Clean their water bottle regularly and give them fresh water to ensure food hygiene.

Make them learn that they can eat healthy and homemade food, encourage them to sit properly and have their food before going out to play, and make them aware of unhealthy or junk food so dejunk your child’s food by inculcating good healthy eating habits. Kids must carry napkins and have a good habit of sharing their meals with their friends.

  • So good nutrition must help the child to concentrate and learn well and do good in the future. Healthy meals play an important role in their early childhood and physical and mental development. A healthy child grows a healthy adult and enhances productivity as an individual and nation. So it is very necessary that we can teach children about healthy food choices through cooking classes or by organizing community lunch at school that helps children to introduce good food habits. Schools shown addition, schools vide healthy food in their canteen, promoting lifelong healthy eating habits and lifestyles.

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