Impact of the covid 19 on the human


picture of novel coronavirus
Covid-19 is the most fearful aspect of life. People were forced to be confined at home, detached from all social activity. Social distance and safety measures like quarantine have affected the relationship, and the world is bound to homes. The pandemic has affected every aspect of human life. It is an infectious disease that spreads or is transmitted by the affected people. So It was said to take some safety measures, like washing hands frequently, wearing a mask while going out, and keeping six feet from people. This virus has affected the respiratory system of human beings. The common symptoms include cough, cold, fever, loss of sense, taste, smell, etc. The article discussed the impact of the covid 19 0n human psychology.
Humans are social animals and want to live socially. Still, the sudden outbreak has stopped the life of the people, and this fear and anxiety make them insecure and create psychological problems. Lockdown has locked people away from social functions and get-togethers, which has a massive impact on people’s mental health. As a result, some people become victims of anxiety, depression, etc. This increased mental health and health issues and affected the country’s economy. In addition, the severe critical respiratory syndrome has been seen as a result of coronavirus disease. The modern world, where individuals are likely to travel and communicate freely, has been forced to face social isolation and limitations that increase feelings of frustration and uncertainty (Altieri et al.,2022).

The psychological and social impact of covid 19

It significantly impacts the psychological and social impact of the population, including the exposed group, including children, colleagues, students, and health workers. Significant security measures have been taken to deal with the current situation and grow a deep understanding of the pandemic’s consequences on the individual, increasing the risk of depression, anxiety, and symptom of stress. The constant fear of being affected in daily life, the contagious nature of the disease, and social isolation modify male relations: suicidal behaviour and harmful behaviour among youngsters. The post covid 19 has affected youngsters feeling, emotions and motivation. The affected person is unable to respond, is isolated from friends and family, or created a sleeping problem. The study has proven that prolonged negative thinking and depression generate more significant health and mental risk. (Kornilaki,2022). The vulnerable group is getting affected by the virus. 

 It has directly affected the children, and the students have a long-term effect on their mental health. They overtook safety measures to close all the schools, university religious places, and public areas. It has taken the employment of millions of people and made them unemployed, and some people are forced to work from home, decreasing their working capacity. National, International flights are cancelled, and public places like hotels, Pubs are closed. This increased mental health and health issues and affected the country’s economy. It has been seen that students become victims of obesity They live in one place, and seeing the same thing repetitively makes them frustrated and monotonous. Human nature is to always look for change. Suddenly the government imposed locked down that generated feelings of fear, anger, sadness, worry, and frustration. Slowly it has changed human behaviour and style. It has changed people’s appetites, desires, and interests. Foodie people who love street or restaurant food are forced to eat home-cooked food. These all are incircle with mental issues. Common health problems are sleeping, headaches, and body pain. People become more lethargic and increase their use of alcohol, drugs, etc. This unfortunate situation that the pandemic has brought was the loss of human life (Lablanche et al., 2022). 
Psychologists' role in long COVID recovery | APS 
The coronavirus hit students’ mental health during the lockdown. Anger and unhappiness, and loneliness are seen primarily in them. Students miss their colleges and peers and feel lost in freedom around their parents. They are disturbed and feel insecure. Working professional people get anxious about the future and what is next. This type of negative thought extends to psychological problems. It has affected The other sections: women, children, and older people. Talking women, domestic violence has increased, and the worst is that women have become more insecure at home. In terms of children, their academic progress has been affected. Can we not think that these little kids of 4 to 5 years are looking at the phone to learn? That also gives a negative impression on people. If we talk about older adults, they cannot mingle with their age group, and sitting all the time at home makes them insecure. It has predominantly affected older adults and people with low immunity. It is spread through droplets by coughing and sneezing. Millions of people lost their lives, and older people with poor immunity can quickly be affected. 

We have seen the negative impact of the coronavirus on Human Psychology, but talking about the positive aspect of this pandemic has created awareness in people and made them from tolerating and take out themselves from this uncertain situation. The government has helped people as much as possible. Despite these problems, the coronavirus teaches people to stay connected under challenging conditions and presents a prominent example by helping each other and proving that humanity is superior. And finally, we can not make the efforts of healthcare workers, .nurses, and doctors who have done great work at the war level (Ramalho et al.,2022).
Thus the study of the article aims to evaluate the early psychological impact of the covid 19 and understand the positive and negative implications during quarantine, as well as consider the vulnerable group’s mental health problems. The primary thing of the research is acknowledging the potential risk factors to take adequate measures and save a life. The purpose of the study is to develop acquaintances if someone is affected and take the best option to negotiate with the challenges. The coronavirus has shaken the whole world, and personal well-being is a contagious disease that originated in the Wuhan of china. Furthermore, the patients are experiencing depression; the teens and the children spend long hours on the screen. Overall it has impacted both the physical and mental health of people. During the covid, parks and public places are closed, and physical activities are reduced, which becomes the biggest reason for depression.

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