Interesting things of science(transparents ,translucent,opaque)

Transparent Objects:-Objects which allow light to pass through them are called Transparent Objects. Ex- clear glass objects.

Translucent Obejects:-Objects which allow light to pass through them partially are called Translucent Objects. Ex-tracing paper, polythene bags, ground glass.

Opaque Objects:-the Objects which do not allow light to pass through them; thus, we can not see through these objects; these objects are known as Opaque Objects. Ex-wood,table ,brick,steel etc.

lens:-lens is made of glass and allows light to pass through it. Spectacles are made of lenses. It helps us to magnify or minimize an object for a better view.

Magnifying glass:-A lens used to examine small or finely detailed things such as fingerprints and fine prints is called a magnifying glass.

The most common use of lenses is in our spectacles .lenses are also used in telescopes which helps us to see the star and planets. These are also used in optical objects like binoculars, photographic cameras, etc.; these are also used in our peepholes of the doors so that the person inside can easily see the person outside.