five ways to improve the imagination, creativity of your child

know\want \learn

hello, today I am going to discuss an interesting topic about Know\want\learn.

” Know” what does it mean? We have heard the word several time in our lives, but knowing truly means to know something, and seeing something that creates interest in it encourages you to know more is exactly what define the word ‘want,” and finally, when you are eager to know more means you “learn more.

This is the beautiful concept of knowing, and parents must get benefits if they apply this concept to their children. I am sure they make them attentive and curious and make you wonder if their speaking and writing will improve gradually. The concept of problem-solving and reading in young children is a wonder for many parents probably they heard before .how ever some parents don’t know how this benefits their young ones. If a child is not interested in any topic, all the efforts will be wasted.

Imagine that you are crossing by a market and you will see a book and the front page is so attractive and interesting that it forces you to buy the book and encourage you to know more about it. Similarly, if a child is interested, he will try his best to quench his thirst and learn more. Children are little learners; as little teachers, we should give them proper space to grow, and this concept enables them to learn and grow.

five ways to improve the image and creativity of your child

here, I am sharing some tips to encourage your child

children love to listen to stories. Start with a short and simple story, which will improve their listening habit and help them learn new vocabulary. Increase sitting habits and lower the pressure of studies. You can ask simple questions about that story and the moral of the story.

Parents should guide their children sensitively rather than control the children’s activities. When children are allowed to work in freedom, they display love and care towards others.

Children observe the world around there, and true disciplined and harmony come within. In this way, a child will increase daily by the parent’s particular observation and guidance, not by porking and infaring every time in the name of teaching.

So, children are little flowers. They need a good supporting environment; our duty is to provide a healthy environment because they learn from their environment and daily experience.

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