Our Earth and The Domains

The planet where We live is called our Earth. There are eight planets in our solar system where the Earth has life. Earth is the third planet in our solar system. It came into existence millions of years ago. At that time, the condition was not fit for life. It was a ball of fire, but gradually it became cool and suitable for living. Human beings can live here because the life-sustaining element is found in this land. We live on the surface of this Earth. The surface is made of rock, soil, and Earth’s crust..the surface of the Earth is not the same everywhere. Some surface places are highly raised, and some are flat, so it is a very complex zone where we can see the Four major Domains of Earth.

  • Lithosphere.
  • Hydrosphere
  • Atmosphere
  • Biosphere


The solid portion of the Earth on which we live is called Lithosphere. It comprises rock, soil, and main Nutrients for living organisms. The Lithosphere is the solid crust and hard top layer and rocky part of the Earth. It is made up of rock and minerals and covered by a thin layer of soil. There are two major landforms we see on the Earth’s surface. The large landmasses are known as the Continent, and the large water bodies are called Ocean. this Lithospher comprises a variety of landforms, some part of the Lithosphere is rocky or rugged. Some flat, elevated, or uplifted earth surface is called a mountain, so this irregular surface has various landforms such as mountains, Plateaus, plain valleys, etc. This landform is found over the continents and also on the ocean floor. The Lithosphere is the domain that provides us with forests, grassland for grazing, land for agriculture, and land for human settlement.

There are seven major continents. Large water bodies and mountains separate these continents. These continents are- Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica.

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ASIA:- This is the largest Continent on Earth. This Continent lies in the Eastern Hemisphere of the Earth. The Tropic of cancer passes through this Continent. Asia is separated from Europe by the Ural mountain. The combined landmass of Europe and Asia is called Eurasia. It has 48 countries. India is. The seventhlargest country in the World is located in the southern part of Asia.

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EUROPE:-this Continent lies to the west of Asia. The Arctic circle passes through it, and Water bodies on three sides surround it.

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AFRICA:-It is the second-largest Continent after Asia. It is the only Continent through The Equator; the Tropic of cancer and Tropic of Capricorn pass on the map of Africa. Ocean and seas bind this Continent, and the World’s longest river Nile flows through it. The World’s largest desert Saharsa is located in Africa.

NORTH AMERICA:-It is the third-largest Continent in the World. It is completely in the Northern and Western Hemispheres. It is linked to South America by a narrow strip is Isthmus. It is surrounded by three side oceans the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Arctic ocean.

SOUTH AMERICA:-This continent lies in the Southern Hemisphere and is surrounded by the Caribbean sea, Pacific ocean, and Atlantic ocean. It is joined to North America by the Isthmus of Panama. The World’s largest river Amazon flows in South America. The Andes world’s longest mountain range, is found in South America.

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AUSTRALIA:-Australia, also known as Oceania, is the smallest Continent of the seventh Continent. It is commonly referred to as a country or an island continent. It lies entirely in the Southern Hemisphere and is surrounded by oceans and seas.

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ANTARCTICA:-it is completely in the Southern Hemisphere . the south pole lies almost at the center of this Continent. It is permanently covered with thick ice sheets. Many countries have their research stations in Antarctica. India also has research stations, and these are named Maitri and Dakshin Gangotri.


The Earth is called the blue planet because71% of the Earth is covered with water, and 29% is with land. The running water in Oceans, lakes, rivers, Glaciers, and underwater and the water vapor in the Atmosphere all comprise the Hydrosphere. More than 97% of water is found in oceans but is too salty for human use; a very small percentage of fresh water is available for human use.

Oceans are the major part of the Hydrosphere; they are all interconnected. The five major Oceans are- The Pacific Ocean, The IndianOcean, The Atlantic Ocean, The Southern Ocean, and The Arctic ocean.

  • Pacific Ocean:-the Pacific Ocean is the largest Ocean. It is spread over one-third of the Earth. Marina Trench is the deepest part of the Earth in the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific Ocean is almost circular and surrounded by continents Asia, Australia, North and South America.
  • Atlantic ocean:-The Atlantic Ocean is the second-largest Ocean in the World. It is “S” shaped. The coastline of the Atlantic Ocean is highly indented, and this irregular coastline provides an ideal location for natural harbors and ports.
  • Indian Ocean:-The Indian Ocean is the only Ocean named after a country, India. The shape of the Ocean is almost triangular; in the North, it is bound by Asia, in the West by Africa, and in the East by Australia.
  • Southern Ocean:-this Ocean is also known as the Atlantic ocean. It covers the southern ocean water of the World, the fourth largest Ocean in the World.
  • The Arctic Ocean:-this ocean surrounds the North pole and is located within the Arctic Circle.


The Earth is surrounded by a gas layer called the Atmosphere. It extends to a height of about 1,600 kilometers, provides us with the air we breathe, and protects us from the harmful effects of sun rays. The Atmosphere is divided into five layers based on composition and Temperature. These are:-

  1. Troposphere 2)Stratosphere 3) Mesosphere 4)Thermosphere 5)Exosphere

These layers start from the Earth’s surface. The Atmosphere is composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. It has 78%, nitrogen, 21%, oxygen, and other gases like carbon dioxide, argon, and others comprise 1%of the volume in the air. So we can say that air is a mixture of different gases, and oxygen is necessary for life. We can not imagine life without oxygen. That’s why Earth is the only planet that has life. Nitrogen helps in the growth of plants. The Atmosphere’s density decreases as we go up; that’s why the climbers experience problems in breathing. They have to carry an Oxygen cylinder to breathe at high altitudes. The air density and the Temperature also decrease as we move upwards. The Atmosphere exerts pressure on the Earth, which differs from place to place. Some areas experience high pressure, and some areas low pressure.


The Biosphere is the narrow zone of contact between the land, water, and air. This is the zone where life Exists, which makes our Earth a unique planet. different species of organisms vary in size, from microbes and bacteria to huge mammals. The organism of the Biosphere is broadly divided into the plant kingdom and animal kingdom. These three domains of the Earth interact with each other and affect each other like the beginning of the human civilization humans depend on Nature .he fulfills their needs from nature and the slowly increasing population force people to cut down a forest or clear land for agriculture may lead to air pollution and as well as it increases soil erosion. The smoke in factories, vehicles, and thermal power plants makes air pollution, and an increase in CO2 leads to global warming. Discharging waste materials and garbage in the city also makes rivers and lakes unsuitable for human use and damages water, animals, and other life forms. Earth’s surface changes due to natural calamities, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Thus the time has come to understand we are alive because mother Earth is protecting us, and we have to limit the use of resources and try to maintain the balance between nature and the three domains of the Earth.

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