VITAMIN the most common topic searched by people on google that which vegetables and fruits give proper nutrients to our body. As we know that vitamins are the essential nutrients that keep us healthy and enable our body to work properly, they are also needed for our body’s growth and development. It performs hundreds of works in our body to boost our immune system, repair cellular damage, heal wounds, provide energy, and work as a building block in our body. Unfortunately, today our lifestyle is the root cause of many diseases. We wake up late in the morning and sit a long hour in front of the computer, and we have a burden of workload that has to complete on time, so we have work stress, and we don’t have time to eat at home. Generally, we like to eat fast food or bread. On our off-days, we plan to move or play games online without doing any exercise or taking a sunbath; we prefer to sleep in our AC, never allowing fresh air to enter. These habits cause a weak immune system, forcing us to take vitamin supplements.

the six major nutrients are—–







these nutrients are necessary for our good health and development .today here, and we discussed vitamins, their source, and their deficiency and toxicity.

The best way to get enough vitamins is to eat a balanced diet with various food. Vitamins are grouped into two categories.

1)fat-soluble vitamin

2)water-soluble vitamin

Fat-soluble vitamin

fat-soluble vitamins dissolve in fats and oil. These vitamins are stored in the body’s fatty tissue so it can access them as needed. Vitamins are:- vitamins A, D, E, and K. These can dissolve in water, so it helps the body function effectively. Most vitamins come from food, but sunshine contributes to vitamin D.

The function of

Vitamin A

It is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in most o food. It is important for normal vision, the immune system, and reproduction. It helps hearts, kidneys, and other organs pror\ also helps to form and maintain healthy teeth and bones soft tissue and plays an important role in bone growth and the immune system. It is good for our healthy eyesight.

Vitamin D

this is also known as the sunshine vitamin. The body makes it after being in the sun for 15 to 20 minutes .morning time is the best time to take sunlight. so the best way is to make a habit of morning exercise in an open area where you can take sunlight easily. It helps the body to absorb calcium which strengthens bones.


This is a crucial vitamin for our body for its antioxidant activity. It plays numerous important roles in our body. It keeps our skin and hair healthy and prevents many diseases.


It is an essential vitamin that supports blood clotting and healthy bones. It occurs in two forms, K1-K2. In addition, it plays a crucial role in producing Prothrombin, a protein that helps in blood clotting and helps wounds to heal.

Food sources of vitamin A

Plant sources Animal sources
Dark-colored fruit or yellow fruits like mango,
papaya, oranges, dark leafy vegetables, pumpkin, carrot peanuts, etc.
Egg yolk, dairy products like cheese, yogurt, butter, cream, fish liver oil, Kidney, and Milk.


when we do not take a sufficient amount of vitamins, we have a deficiency of such vitamins. It occurs when we do not get enough of certain vitamins, leading to severe health problems.

Deficiency of Vitamin A:- causes loss of normal vision, Night blindness, skin problems, dry eyes or drying Cornia, increased infection risk, pregnancy complications, and it also stunned the children’s growth.


Toxicity occurs when we have too many vitamins in our bodies. This condition may be acute or chronic. After consuming a large number of vitamins, symptoms include – a change in vision, bone pain, drowsiness, irritability, nausea, vomiting, blurry vision, dry, rough skin, mouth ulcer, and hair loss.

food sources of Vitamin D

plant sourcesAnimal sources
there are no plant sources of vitamin D but the sun
is the best source of vitamin D. Our body creates vitamin D from direct sunlight.
Oily fish include salmon, red meat, liver, egg yolk, fortified food, and milk.


vitamin D deficiency causes Ricket, sickness or infection, fatigue, bone pain, low mood, hair loss, muscular pain, back pain, weight pain, low energy, and muscle cramp.


Excessive amounts of Vitamin D in the blood can cause a Calcium level to rise; this condition is called hypercalcemia. Symptoms include fatigue, loss of appetite, excessive thirst, dehydration, constipation, dizziness, and kidney damage, but vitamin D toxicity happens when someone overuses vitamin supplements because sun exposure does not cause vitamin D toxicity, our body limits the amounts of this vitamin it produces.

food sources of Vitamin E

plant sourcesAnimal sources
Avocado, Dark green vegetables, broccoli, turnip, seed and nuts, papaya, mango, legumes, sunflower oil, Hazelnuts, kiwi fruit almond, peanut butter, pumpkin,Goose meat, Atlantic Salmon, crayfish, Octopus, Lobster, snail,


vitamin E deficiency causes Muscle damage, Muscle weakness, the short life span of RBC, eye problem, dry, flaky skin, and hormonal disbalance.


vitamin health problem happens when excessive amounts of vitamin E build up in our body and cause health problems. It can cause severe health problems like blood thinning and an increased risk of stroke.

food sources of vitamin K

plant source animal source
dark green leafy vegetable,spinach,soybean,green leaf,lettuce,sprouts ,cauliflower,cabbageSmaller meat, cheese, egg, fish, liver, and eggs.


Vitamin K deficiency causes excessive bleeding because it is necessary for blood clotting, bruises easily, bleeding in the mucous membrane, and Ecchymotic patches.


Vitamin K toxicity is extremely rare. The only reported Toxicity is Menadione. If toxicity occurs, it manifests with the sign of jaundice in newborns, hemolytic anemia, and hyperbilirubinemia.

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